Sunday, October 2, 2011

Our Bodyguards... The Guardian Angels

October 2 is the feast of the Guardian Angels. God in His Infinite Love and Goodness gave them the task of guarding us day and night 24 hours a day 7 days a week. They are at our side round the clock, guiding, protecting, and praying for us. The protection does not only apply to our spiritual life, but to our physical well being as well.

Guardian Angel by Bartolome Esteban Murillo
I remember an experience when my friend and I had a car breakdown at around midnight. Because of the hour, no car repair shops were open and certainly no mechanics were around. As we were checking the engine not sure of what we would do next, a stranger approached us and offered to take a look. After he finished tinkering with the engine, he asked us to start the car and it worked! We were so happy that we are not about to be stranded till morning, so we decided that we should pay him for his services. To our surprise, he refused and said its ok. As we were about to ride the car, we looked back to see where he was going, but he was nowhere to be found. We looked around some more but there was no trace of him. It was really odd for him to disappear so quickly because only a few seconds ago, he was right there. Even if he ran, which is unlikely, we would still have seen him. We also didn't see any vehicle which he could have rode.  My friend and I considered this as an encounter with our guardian angel. Or if it wasn't an angel, still that man was heaven sent. 

Let us not forget to thank our Guardian Angels everyday for faithfully carrying out their God given mission for us. In times of temptation or trouble, rest assured that God's angels are there, ready to help. Call on them. 

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