Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why HB 5043 Should Not be Passed

The Light of Life by Nellie Edwards from
HB 5043, popularly known as the RH Bill is filled with data that is misleading to the public. The pro RH congressmen would promote its merits, but there are clearly more demerits if you study this bill closely.
Alliance for the Family Foundation Philippines released a position paper showing 12 clear points why they are against the RH Bill. Every Filipino should read this especially the parents who are aiming to raise their children in a stable society. The Foundation sees the RH Bill as something like using gasoline to put out a fire. It worsens our problems instead of solving them. Here are some of their points worth thinking about:
1. The negative impact of an ageing population on our economy. More old people with less young people to work for and support senior citizen's needs.
2. Government emphasis on population control as the solution instead of taking care of medical needs of the sick.
3. The imposition of fines or imprisonment on those opposed to the implementation of this bill. This violates the freedom of conscience and right to excersise your religious principles.
4. Even contraceptives and devices that are believed to pose health risks in women will be classified as "essential medicines". (Why did they put the word "health" in this bill in the first place?)
5. It does not protect the family which is safeguarded by the constitution because it allows anyone to avail of "RH services" such as vasectomy or ligation even without the consent of the spouse thereby putting a strain on the relationship.
6. It violates the rights of parents because it allows an abused pregnant minor to avail of "reproductive health care services" even without parental consent.

In their position paper the 12th point states:

"HB 5043 ignores the mandate of Section 12, Article II of the Constitution, which provides as follows:
Sec.12.The State recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution. It shall protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception.
This provision leaves no room for the State or any of its agencies to get involved in any family planning program that promotes CONTRACEPTIVES that endanger the health of the mother and the life of the unborn from the point of conception."
We should question P-Noy's support for this bill as it violates some provisions of our constitution which he swore to protect. 

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